10 Days Reprint Guarantee

(Standard Photo Prints Only)

If you are not completely satisfied with your photos for whatever reason, you can request for reprint within a 10 days period. Simply call our hotline at 9502 1744 or email service@urphoto.com for arranging the absolutely free of charge reprint. Please also note:

  1. Original photos must be returned by mail (postage to be paid the customer).
  2. 10 Days Reprint Guarantee Policy is applicable for Hong Kong orders ONLY.
  3. Refunds are not applicable to ALL transactions.
  4. Each transaction can only make use of the reprint service once.
  5. For reprints, you can only use the same original photos you uploaded and the same order settings (such as "Fit in"/"Fill in", photo size, etc.) you selected when you made your purchase.
  6. In the event of dispute, the decision of URPhoto shall be final.

The "10 Days Reprint Guarantee" does not apply to other products including, but not limited to, Photobooks, Metal Prints, Canvases, Enlargement Prints, etc.

If you have any questions regarding our reprint policy, please contact us BEFORE you make your photo purchase.

10 Days Reprint Guarantee